Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Pinedale!
This contains information to help keep the school year running smoothly for everyone! If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact our office at 605-394-1805. A complete RCAS District handbook is also available upon request. Go Panthers!
7:35-7:45 AM – Optional breakfast offered in gym (Cost: $2.40 ). Breakfast students, only, come through the front door.
7:45 AM – Playground supervision begins. Parents say good-bye at gate.
7:55 AM – Start bell rings. Students are expected to be on the playground and lining up outside at their classroom door by 7:55
8:00 AM – Tardy bell rings. Students are expected to be inside their classroom by 8:00. Late students will need a tardy pass.
9:30-9:45 – Grades 1 & 3 morning recess
9:45-10:00 – Grades 2 & 5 morning recess
10:00-10:15 – Grades K & 4 morning recess
11:40 – 12:20 – K, 2nd, 4th Lunch and Recess
12:10 – 12:50 – 1st, 3rd, 5th Lunch and Recess
Afternoon Recess: varies; check with teacher
2:50 PM – Dismissal bell rings. Students exit from their outside classroom door and follow their after-school plan.
2:50 PM – Bus students board school bus.
2:55 PM – Bus departs Pinedale with bus students.
3:00 PM – Playground supervision ends and school grounds cleared. Students are expected to be picked up by 3:00 PM.
Orchestra 4th Grade – Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:20-12:50
Orchestra 5th Grade – Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:40-12:10
Band 5th Grade – M-F 9:25-10:00 (day dependent on instrument; Friday – ALL band students attend together)
When your child will be absent or late, please let us know (605-394-1805). If there is no parent contact, the absence will be considered unexcused. Unexcused absences count toward truancy and truancy is in violation of state law, so please make sure you contact the school any time your child will be absent or late!
- Our building doors are locked throughout the school day. Visitors will use the front entrance only. Visitors will need to press the button on the brick wall near the front door and wait for office staff to respond. The red light behind the glass will turn green when the door is unlocked for you to come in.
- Once you have entered the building, please stop into the office to sign in and obtain a Visitor Pass before going anywhere else on school grounds.
- If you need to pick up your child for an appointment or to be checked out for the rest of the day, please call when you are on your way (605-394-1805) and we will have them ready and waiting at the office for you to sign them out.
- Please discuss after school arrangements ahead of time so we can try to minimize messages and classroom disruptions.
- If possible, please consider scheduling appointments, visits, drop-offs and other non-urgent interruptions for outside of school hours. We want to make attendance and education a priority while minimizing disruptions to the classroom and to other students.
Meal items are available for purchase at the following prices: Breakfast – $2.40 Lunch- $3.15 Milk only – $.55
Funds can be deposited into your child’s lunch account through your Skyward Family Access account online.
Some families may qualify for Free and/or Reduced Meal prices – fill out the application online to see if you qualify!
Lunch and snacks – homemade items ARE allowed for lunch and snacks. Most teachers encourage an individual mid-morning snack. These snacks should be a healthy choice brought from home in an appropriate container and not intended to be shared with other students. Please keep in mind any allergy or peanut restrictions that your child’s teacher may have for their specific classroom.
Birthdays – in order to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for all children, please do not deliver balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, food orders, etc. Birthday treats can be brought in, but must be store-bought and clearly labeled. As an alternative to treats, a student may bring small party favors, pencils, or other small items. Check with your child’s teacher to see what they suggest.
If your child is feeling sick or has a temperature of 100 degrees or above, please allow them to stay home and rest. We have limited nursing options at Pinedale and we want our students to stay in a place where they are comfortable and can recover completely before they return to school. Students need to be fever-free and diarrhea/vomit free WITHOUT MEDICATION for 24 hours before returning to school. If a student becomes sick or injured during school hours, our nurse will contact a parent/guardian for pickup.
Each grade goes outside for recess multiple times a day, in all types of weather. Please assist your child in making sure they are dressed appropriately. If the wind chill is below zero, it will be a RED FLAG DAY and all students will be kept inside before school and/or at recess. If the wind chill is above zero, all children are expected to go outside unless a doctor’s note is submitted to our nurse.
No students are allowed to exclude other students from play for any reason and students are encouraged to talk through disputes and come to a mutual agreement. A staff member is present during every recess to monitor the playground for safety and assist students with concerns. Playground activities during recess should be a time to encourage safety, social skills, learning, teamwork, fair play, and cooperation between all levels of skill. Recess is also a great opportunity for exercise and mental breaks throughout the day!
Our District’s behavior and discipline plan focuses on positive reinforcement, relationship building, and restorative justice. At Pinedale, “Panther Pride” encourages us to be respectful, responsible, and safe. Social-emotional and life skills are taught through self-management and independence, communication, empathy, and personal progress.
Note the District policy regarding cell phones, smart watches, tablets, etc. All personal devices must remain turned off and out of sight during school hours. Smart watches are allowed but subject to teacher discretion if they begin to cause a disruption in class. We want our students to be present in their learning environment. Your help in following this policy is greatly appreciated.
All coats, hats, gloves, masks, and other personal items should be clearly labeled with your child’s full name. Lost & Found items are located near the front office. Small/valuable items are kept in the office with a staff member. Unclaimed items will be donated regularly.
Your child’s teacher is your first stop with any questions or concerns, either in person, via email or phone call, or through Class Dojo. You may also email our principal, Mrs. Laura Kamarainen, at Laura.Kamarainen@k12.sd.us or call the Pinedale office. Office hours are M-F 7:30-4:00.
Pinedale Office: 605-394-1805
Food Service: 605-394-4061
Busing: 605-355-3707
RCEC Building: 605-394-4031
Thank you for taking time to familiarize yourself with our school routines and expectations. Open communication and enthusiasm for education are the keys to your child’s success!
Work hard, have fun, and be kind! Go Panthers!!